Making The Most Of Your Domain Name The Explosion Of Web Hosting Bandwidth As many hosting providers offer a free domain with some of their web hosting package, it should come as no surprise that most want to give you the best help they can. Here are some of the ways to help you choose a fantastic domain name and Making The Most Of Your Domain Name And Web Hosting Bandwidth. Planning Before you pick a domain, there are a few factors that should be taken into consideration, which are based around your niche, target audience and brand . The good news is that you can pick almost anything related to your idea. The bad news is that so can anyone else and as such picking a short unique domain can be quite difficult. So let’s ask some questions 1. What type of website are you planning to host and what content will it contain? 2. What is the niche market and audience? How are you going to find them and why? 3. Have you done market research and found SEO ...
A New Online Marketing Method Branding, control and results Internet marketing is a term that is often misinterpreted. Others hear the term and think anything and everything online is internet marketing. Still others hear it and think about how they could get a much better internet marketing technique. Having an Online Marketing Method for Branding, gives you control and better results. There is one thing that any good web marketing method is based upon, and that is systems. Exactly what they require is an action by step system that starts from the beginning. Before you put a website up, you have to know who your market is and how your service or product will assist them. For the record, "people online" is not a market. You need to be specific. Do not just assume there is a market for what you're selling. Instead, you have to find the market initially, then find out the best ways to cater to them. Take care! A great deal of amateur online m...